Thursday, November 18, 2010

Blog #10: "The Tempest" obviously works in the realm of fantasy--magic, spirits, unlikely coincidences. Would you therefore describe it as a lighthearted, escapist work? Or is it a "serious" drama?

I view "The Tempest" as lighthearted, escapist work more than a serious drama. I view the drama in this light because of the atmosphere created by the play. Figments of our imagination such as faries and magic make the work appear to be less sophisticated because of these elements in the drama. These make the play look childish, innocent, and even naive. Plus, the drama itself focuses on the basic morals that humans learn when we are young, and also contributes to the play's overall innocence.

I view "serious" dramas as those that place new perspectives on human thinking. These plays most likely address issues in a new light, allowing the readers to argue against the basic teachings that society has taught about certain subjects. Many of these dramas describe situations that are typically not accepted in modern day society as well!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know...even though there was an aspect of innocence I found it entertaining. In in the end that is what a play is all about.
