Saturday, December 11, 2010

Final Blog Entry: Reflective Paper

         After looking over the syllabus' listed objectives for the students in English 102, from analyzing the relationship between literary genre and meaning to examining logical fallacies, I believe I met the objectives listed and much more. I not only expanded my knowledge on fallacies and how they are used in mass media but also developed skills that will benefit me in the future with various tasks. Because of the copious imformation I gained from English 102, I would definately say I am glad I took this class.
         Due to the consistant bloggings and the numerous papers that are required for this class, I quickly leanred the skill of managing my own time. I frequently experience technical problems with my computer and printer at home, making last minute blog posts and papers even more stressful and challenging. By managing my time wisely, by spending a few hours in the public library and the TLC Lab at the school campus, I successfully finished all my blog posts and papers well before the deadlines and without any uncessary stress.
         Furthermore, the pieces of literature I read in this class, namely The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Gilman and Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck, slightly changed my view points on the treatment of women in society and also how woman project themselves due to society's standards. I previously held a narrow viewpoint regarding how woman were treated in society, believing that all women were degrated and looked down upon in the past. However, after reading The Yellow Wallpaper, and seeing how caring and gentle John was towards his wife even though society held a different, diminishing attitude towards women, my view of the treatment of women changed to a brighter and more positive regard. Also, after reading Chrysanthemums, my solid perspective that most women projected themselves in accordance with society weakened. Elisa projected herself as a strong, capable woman and fought off society's standard weak steriotypical woman during that time period. Elisa, in my eyes, knows she is a woman and therefore the "weaker" gender, but confronts her femininity in order to set herself on equal footing with males. I am thankful that these stories were the readings chosen for English 102, because these two short stories reshaped my view points on femininity and social expectations in the past.
         I enjoyed the experiences and new view points that Ive developed in English 102. I hope to keep in touch with all my classmates that I have met and also wish everyone the best of luck in reaching their desired future goals! Happy holidays! :)

Brina Koohbanani

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