Monday, October 25, 2010

Blog #6: How did your views of your poem change as you researched and wrote your paper? How did your views of poetry in general change?

The poem I chose for my research paper is "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath. Primarily, I thought that all aspects of the poem connected to the main theme of the poem, but after rereading the poem over and over and over again, I noticed many more connections between literary devices and the theme of the work as a whole. By writing this paper, I became even more knowledgeable about my poem, and this is great, because I was able to produce a great paper, but, on the other hand, I had to revise my essay so many times because I came up with better ideas!
In general, my viewpoint on poetry changed slightly. I've known that poetry contains several different interpretations and connections that weve throughout pieces of poetry. This project just reopened my eyes to how true that statement is.

1 comment:

  1. I never realized what depth can be found in poetry. It does take reading over and over to find all the nuances.
